Preston - Paignton - Torquay - Brixham & Surrounding Areas
Comparing funeral costs & services is never disrespectful
TV and social media are flooded with advertising from large corporate funeral providers, but what is the real story?
For that reason, it is so important for families to research not only the quality of service they are going to receive but also the cost of a funeral

To get the best cost and service compare funeral providers

How much difference can there be?
We have compared our funeral services and costs against two of the largest National Companies, Coop Funeralcare and Funeral Partners (Maunders, Drakes, Torbay & District).
We did not compare the biggest National Company, Dignity (Torre Valley Funeral Service), as we could not find enough information on their prices and service to compare on a like for like basis.
Firstly, on a basic, simple or essential attended cremation and then our same service against their fully tailored or bespoke service.
Please see for yourself how our service and costs compare to the Nationals.
Compare the cost of a Traditional Cremation Service

Compare our service levels to a restricted Simple Cremation Package

Compare funeral account and deposit payment terms
Please see comparison for details they speak for themselves.